Help sponsor the third annual Choose to Include Event
LSR7 is partnering with the Kansas City Chiefs and Special Olympics Missouri for the 3rd annual Choose to Include event October 9 at the Lee's Summit North football stadium.
Choose to Include is a field day for students to increase involvement and inclusion for those who utilize our specialized programs and generate interest for more athletes to the LSR7 Special Olympics teams.
Does this sound like an event you can get behind? Our special services team needs some help as they continue to plan. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Lunch Sponsor: Help provide lunch for 500 staff and volunteers
- T-Shirt Sponsor: Underwrite the cost of shirts for LSR7's special services staff and volunteers. Bonus: your logo will be included on the back of each shirt and on the jumbotron during the event.
If you're interested in helping out or want to learn more, fill out this interest form.