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Publicity Guidelines

The LSR7 Public Relations team accepts information or content submissions from across the district for publicity purposes.

Submissions can include student and staff celebrations or awards, upcoming events or learning opportunities, notable classroom activities and more!


  • Student accolades - recognition for wining regional/state/national achievements, community celebrations, etc.
  • Staff accolades - recognition for regional/state/national achievements, being chosen to present at conferences, etc.
  • Project-based learning that deeply engages students, and/or involves guest speakers or community involvement.
  • Highly engaging classroom activity that showcases a direct correlation to CSIP goals.

How to Submit

  1. Fill out the PR Department Submission Form so that our team can process your information. Make it clear whether you are submitting a future-facing item/event you are hoping to promote or requesting coverage of an event, celebration or story that has already occurred. If you have photos or video to accompany your submission, please email to It's helpful if you can submit future events at least seven days in advance.
  2. Provide first and last name of all clearly identifiable students if you are submitting photos or videos. This helps us check whether a parent has opted their child out of publicity opportunities.
  3. We'll be in touch!

More Information

Contact Us

Assistant Director of Public Relations Talia Evans manages content and media relations for the district, and is the first point of contact for content submissions.