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Transfer Requests

BOE Policy: JCB-AP2

Intradistrict Transfers for Students in Grades K-12

Student Assignment to Schools Within the District: 

Designated attendance areas for all schools shall be established by the Board of Education to make optimum use of district school facilities. Students residing within the attendance area of a school shall attend that school, except as otherwise provided by policies of the Board of Education.


Students shall attend the school designated for the attendance area in which the student resides. Under exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to transfer to a school outside of the student's attendance area.  These transfers must be renewed annually.

Students who wish to transfer to a different district school, or their parents/guardians, must submit a transfer request to the district prior to the beginning of the new semester.  Granting of such transfer requests will be contingent upon available space and eligibility as determined by the district.  Students wo have begun attendance at a school cannot transfer to another school until the next semester begins unless their residence changes to a new attendance area or unless otherwise required by law.

Reasons for Transfers Based Upon Exceptional Circumstances:

  • a. Family Move – Students who move during the regular school year into the attendance area of another school within the school district may remain enrolled until the end of the regular school year in the school in which the student was enrolled immediately prior to the move. Proof of residency is required, as outlined in Board Policy JECA-AP
  • b. Request From Outside Agency – Requests from juvenile court, social and rehabilitation services or a mental health center may be approved when the transfer will improve the student’s educational welfare. Requests must be in writing and signed by an agency representative.
  • c. Family Hardship – Transfers for hardships in the family, such as dissolution of the family unit by divorce, placement of a student outside the home, documented abuse or other special circumstances involving change of family structure, may be approved in the best interest of the student and the school district.  Hardships are events which are temporary or short-term in nature and have an impact on a child's education.  
  • d. Special Education Programs – The Special Education Department will assign pupils to appropriate programs as determined by the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) through staffing procedures. Other special programs, including English Language Development (ELD), will assign students to appropriate programs as determined by the student's needs.  The Special Education Department/English Language Department may assign students without processing them through the regular transfer process.  Siblings of students placed in special education/ELD programs at a school other than the school of residence may be eligible to transfer to this same school, as long as siblings are receiving special services.
  • e. Psychological, Emotional or Social Needs – Based upon documented supporting evidence, a transfer application may be filed on the basis of psychological, emotional or social needs. A statement prepared by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist shall be requested to state explicitly the nature of the disability and why the derived school change will be more beneficial to the pupil.
  • f. Graduating Senior – A second semester junior who is moving within the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District boundaries may request to remain in the high school he/she has attended throughout his/her high school career.
  • gAdministrative Placement – Under special circumstances, the superintendent or his or her designee may place a student in a school other than the school in the student’s attendance area. District placement only
  • h. ChildcareDoes not apply to high school students. For transfers due to childcare needs, requests must be made in writing with a notarized and dated affidavit of services by the provider. District staff should note on childcare affidavit that request is based on employment location. Affidavit form is available from LSR-7 website or school office.

Transfer Procedures:


  • Bus transportation is not furnished for a student who transfers out of his/her own attendance area.
  • It may be necessary to close certain schools to outside enrollment due to crowded conditions. Staffing, grade level and student enrollment factors are taken into consideration in determining which schools/grades must be closed.
  • Student discipline issues may necessitate the revocation of an approved transfer at any time during the school year.
  • Absences of 15 or more days in a semester or 20 or more days in a school year will result in the student’s transfer status being revoked.
  • Fifteen (15) or more late arrivals, early departures and/or late pick-ups in a semester will result in the student’s transfer status being revoked.
  • If a student’s transfer status is revoked, he/she is not eligible for an approved transfer in the future.
  • Transfers are granted for one year at a time. Parents will need to submit a new request each year.
  • An approved transfer at the elementary or middle school level does not automatically allow students to attend the feeder middle or high school.

A request for transfer to a school outside the assigned attendance area for the succeeding school year must be based upon exceptional circumstances and for justified reasons. Families seeking a transfer must submit a request (LSR7 K-12 Intradistrict Transfer Request Form) with supporting documentation to the Office of the Assistant Superintendent of Equity and Student Services via your child's school.  The transfer request must include specific reasons for the transfer and signatures from the sending and receiving school principals.  Forms should be submitted directly to your child's school.

Secondary school students who have been approved for voluntary transfer of enrollment shall be permitted to participate in interscholastic activities only in accordance with the regulations of the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA). In general, a student is ineligible for 365 days if a change in school is made without an accompanying move on the part of the student’s parents. Parents and/or students should check with their building principal to obtain a copy of the MSHAA guidelines.

Transfers Pursuant to Federal Law:

Under federal law, schools may be identified for school improvement or persistently dangerous.  If a district school is so designated, the district will allow and facilitate voluntary transfers to designated school buildings within the district and in accordance with JCB-AP2.