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Grade: 11-12

Credits: 1.5 units
Dual Credit: UCM CYBR 1800 (3 credits available to eligible students)

PREREQUISITE: DevSecOps with a B- or teacher recommendation; GPA: 2.5 cumulative or higher; Attendance: 90%
or higher; Math: Algebra I, B-; Reading/Writing: 10th grade level; Keyboarding, minimum 30 WPM

Get the preparation needed for the Cyber Security workforce pathway! This course will give students hands-on experience into
network security protection, as well as an understanding of the types of attacks used against networks. The course will cover
security policies such as risk management, data privacy, employee management, device management, network management,
and business continuity. Students will also learn current technologies such as SSH, AAA, ACLs, IPS/IDS, PKI, and others.
Students will develop an understanding of physical, perimeter, network, host, application and data defenses. This course coversthe
information required for the Cisco Network Security and CompTIA Security+ certification exams.