Grade: 12
Credit: .5 unit for minimum 10-19 hours per week supervised employment
1 unit for minimum 20+ hours per week supervised employment
PREREQUISITE: Must also enroll in either a year-long business, marketing, or information technology class or two semester long classes, 90% attendance, minimum 2.5 GPA, teacher approval, and appropriate credits earned for graduation
SBE is a workplace learning program providing on-the-job experience in an approved, supervised work position. Students may work in any local business where at least half of their duties involve business or technology type tasks in places like accounting offices, attorneys, banks, dental or medical offices, school offices, technology companies, small business offices, etc. Make the connection and transition from the classroom to the professional world of work and build your network and your interpersonal skills. Employers contribute to the evaluation process, and students may receive assistance from the instructor in finding an approved job. NOTE: Leaving a place of employment during the year requires approval of employer, coordinator, and administration. May be offered for articulated credit to eligible students.