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Grades: 11-12

Credit: 1 unit
Marketing 101 w/ a B average or higher and teacher approval

Note: Also offered through R-7 Online Academy

Build upon your marketing experience by applying concepts and components involved in marketing and operating sports and entertainment events. Through project-based learning and hands-on experience, students are able to explore the full marketing cycle in relation to sports and entertainment.  This includes creating content and video board assets for school stadium activities as well as possibly running the video board during games.  Students are encouraged to be a part of DECA (an organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management) allowing them to gain authentic experiences through competition and networking. Membership fees or fundraising may be required. May be offered for dual credit or articulated credit to eligible students. Check with your building. Dual credit information can be found under the Advanced Studies section.